

Corporate Governance Strategy Assessment

Don’t fall foul of regulators or underserve your employees with suboptimal standards and guidance.


Corporate Governance Assessment

Run through this Corporate Governance assessment to see where your organisation stacks up!

How well are your policies, procedures and processes documented across all enterprise functions?

Not documented

Very well documented

How would you rate your organization’s risk management processes?

Good governance is all about identifying, assessing and managing risk.



How would you rate your organization’s investment into ISO certification?

An essential corporate governance example is adhering to ISO standards such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. These standards provide a framework for best practice management systems.

No investment into ISO certification

High investment into ISO certification

Is there an established ethics and audit commitee reporting directly to the board or chairman?



How would you rate your organization’s internal audit process?

Investing in a routine internal audit programme helps not only identify issues and vulnerabilities, it provides an opportunity to take the temperature of the corporate culture.

No internal audit process

Systematic and well documented internal audit process

How would you rate your supplier management and procurement practices?

Good governance requires your business to know who your suppliers are, what they do, and continually monitor their performance.



How would you rate your organization’s integration of it's individual management systems and processes?

One of the most efficient and effective ways to understand what is happening and when is to bring all management systems together so that there is transparency, visibility, traceability, and cross-departmental collaboration.



How would you rate your organization’s reporting methods?

Good governance relies on good data. All leadership teams need a dashboard view of Key Performance Indicators so they can have a picture of how the business is performing.



Personal Data

Please enter your name and email address to get your assessment score.