
Top 3 Digital Transformation Trends in 2021

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As the world is combating COVID-19, businesses across various industries are employing ingenious solutions to stay in the game. Organizations and start-ups are leveraging business transformation advisory services to stay on top of the latest trends and seize opportunities to transition to a better digital world. The following are the top three digital transformation trends that businesses need to gear up for.

Digital culture

Due to the hype that many digital-born organizations are creating, traditional businesses are pressurized to digitize services as well as the company’s culture. Replicating the practices of digital-born companies is however not necessarily the best-suited practice for developing digital culture, neither does one formula apply to all.

Since the strengths and weaknesses of traditional brands differ from one another, different practices would suit different companies. Businesses should avail the best digital transformation advisory service to know what works best for them.

The democratization of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI democratization would mean making AI available and accessible to all organizations and people within the organizations. This would require the integration of AI in recognizing user behavior patterns, analyzing data, making decisions and forecasts, improving the products or services, and all other business processes.
Gartner also makes a prediction in this regard stating that 75% of venture capitalists would be leveraging AI by 2025 to make decisions. A deeper AI penetration is therefore opined to take place gradually in all lines of businesses worldwide.

No-touch solutions

After the social distancing norms impelled due to COVID-19, a huge number of businesses are leveraging business process transformation advisory and innovating to come up with contactless solutions. The focus is on solutions that wouldn’t just minimize human-to-human contact but also make the processes brief and instant.
Digital payments characterized by various technologies and QR codes wouldn’t be something rare to see. Since digital payments are a key to access the digital economy, reduce transaction processing time, and improve transaction quality, such contactless solutions would become a new normal.

To sum up, the above-mentioned are the three key trends that are opined to drive business success in 2021. To hear about the remaining trends that are going to impact businesses specifically, partner up with the best digital transformation advisory service providers.

Count on the world’s renowned digital transformation experts

Millennial Partners ( prides itself on serving clients’ most pressing organization transformational needs across people, processes, and technology through its own proprietary frameworks. Our digital transformation offering is most relevant to the increasingly digital enterprise and consumer environments. We follow a coherent roadmap that includes incorporating the most cutting-edge technologies and vendors focusing on technologies such as enterprise Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and IoT.

Should you have any questions and/or would like some focused professional advice, please don’t hesitate to reach out via our e-mail at


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Blockchain, Business

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